Friday, May 6, 2011

I'm still doing good!

All of you must be wondering how come seldom see me in the blog updates right??

I'm a big girl now...Many homeworks and revisions to do as now I am in Standard 4 already.Things are getting tougher and harder for me.I need to catch up on my Chinese subject as Yee Suk is my only teacher out of the school!!!I also need to catch up with many new subjects and new format of the exams.
SHI HUI will be going through whatever I am going through soon once she step into primary school!!

In short,I am now should be getting ready for my BIG exam for primary school which is the UPSR!!I hope I can get straight As!!!If I get all As I'm sure Cousin Jacyn & Gang will sponsor me to Hong Kong Disneyland!! : )

So please pray for me ya,Lola!!!I will be taking my UPSR in 2 years time when I am in Standard 6.

However,no worries,so far so good.I am now waiting for school holidays to go to KL for a holiday!!Hope I did well in my exams for the first half of the year!!

Oops before anything,I will be participating in a Choral Speaking tomorrow!Wish me good luck!!!

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