Sunday, August 8, 2010

SHI HUI : FunFair at Seremban

Remember che-che said Peter ko-ko stopped us at Fun fair for a while?Yes,we begged & showed our pity face and he buy in!Haha... :p
Our first ride was this Space Ship!We chartered the whole ship!Che-che being brave and adventurous,she sit at the front sit!Look at che-che....she's in fear!!!wahahahha
Me forever with my Peter ko-ko lo...

After the ride,we hang around to see some games booth....Peter ko-ko wanna play but Cousin Jacyn don't let.She said waste money :(
So end up we......

Had another ride before go home.Yes...we played the bumper car.As this is adult bumper car,so each of us have to be accompanied by adult.
I go first with Peter ko-ko.
Then che-che...

So each one,one time,FAIR & SQUARE!!

Oops forgot....want to see how adventurous the Space Ship is??Here you go...

SCARY????ADVENTUROUS?? But I'm still steady and can laugh!! :P

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